Volunteer to be an Independent Visitor or Advocate for children in Somerset
Volunteer to be an Independent Visitor or Advocate for children in Somerset
Volunteer to be an Independent Visitor or Advocate for children in Somerset.
These are fascinating and inspiring opportunities, which can bring real benefits to vulnerable children and young people. (Travel and reasonable expenses are reimbursed.)
You can help children and young people understand their rights and ensure that their views, wishes and feelings are heard.
What is an Independent Visitor?
Independent Visitors are volunteers who befriend and spend time with a child or young person who is in the care of the Local Authority. By law all local authorities have to provide an Independent Visitor service.
In Somerset our intention is to encourage the relationship between the Independent Visitor and young person to continue beyond care. This way the care leavers continue to benefit from support, while making the transition to young adulthood. Independent Visitors are highly valued by the young people as they may be the only person involved in their lives who is not paid to be there.
What is an Advocate?
An Advocate is an independent person who can offer one-to-one support to children and young people to have their voice heard when meetings are taking place concerning their wellbeing. It’s the role of the Advocate to speak up for the young person, make them aware of their rights, listen to them and represent their views, wishes and feelings. Why not join our bank of advocates? You chose when you’re available.
Your volunteering can be arranged to suit your availability. Your life experience will be highly valued and you will be trained and supported in developing key skills.
Please contact us and we will arrange a short visit or call to explain more and discuss your options.
For more information, visit our website at www.route1advocacy.co.uk
01749 822801